Sunday 13 March 2016

All posts tagged 2008

Tough Treaty

Geelong Advertiser, Tuesday 4 March 2008, p. 13. As Australians embark on coming to terms with some of the episodes in their past, including what happens after an apology to the stolen generation, it is interesting to compare what has …

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Chickens coming home to roost

Geelong Advertiser, Thursday 24 January 2008, p. 19. As the United States home loan debacle continues to bring low major American financial houses and the Australian stock market sheds

Preying on the poor

Published as 'Death, taxes and insurers', Geelong Advertiser, Saturday 12 January 2008, p. 33. Winding up my mother-in-law’s small estate after her death has been a salutary experience for

Some traditions shortlived

Geelong Advertiser, Saturday 5 January 2008, p. 31. The turn of the year is a time to take stock. But why? What is it about certain dates or events

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