Saturday 25 August 2018

All posts tagged economy


Interest rates or surplus at the heart of the economic problem?

Interest rates or surplus at the heart of the economic problem? Roy Hay For two weeks before the Federal budget, the commentariat focused on the Reserve Bank’s misreading of the economic entrails arguing that it has overestimated the rate of …

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America, China and Australia

America, China and Australia Roy Hay (This article appeared in the Geelong Advertiser,  28 November 2011, p. 18 as' Red, white and blue in the top End.') A great deal


The next financial crisis?

The next financial crisis? Published in the Geelong Advertiser, 28 September 2011, p. 22 as 'Reconciling price, real vlaue is just trouble.' Roy Hay This column does not offer financial

tank and locusts

What happened to the locusts?

Australian tank in the midst of a locust plague in 1974. Source: Australian Army Public Relations. (This article was published as Roy Hay, 'Biblical plague that failed to arrive,'

Buckley et al

Good governors of the game or dictators?

Ben Buckley, John Brumby, Lucas Neil and James Merlino at the launch of another big game in Melbourne.

Good governors of the game or dictators? By Roy Hay The

Football crowd

Limits to growth?

Limits to growth (Published in the Geelong Advertiser, 15 June 2011 as 'Growth scare tactics.' By Roy Hay Throughout history there have been times when far-seeing people have argued that there

Lenin St George lr

Swings and roundabouts and the Australian dollar

Swings and roundabouts and the Australian dollar (Published in the Geelong Advertiser, 5 May 2011, p. 16.) By Roy Hay If you were one of the lucky ones who chose to

Geelong Chamber of Commerce

The rush to surplus

The rush to surplus (Published in the Geelong Advertiser, 19 April 2011, p. 20 as 'Time to reassess the sanctity of surplus.' By Roy Hay Except in an election year,

Outsourcing can hurt within

Geelong Advertiser, Saturday 23 September 2006, p, 33. Public bodies and private corporations throughout Australia have been engaged in a massive restructuring of their operations. It has been going

Boom or bust

Geelong Advertiser, Saturday, 3 March 2007, p. 13 The Australian stockmarket took a dive earlier this week. A needed correction or the end of the most recent long boom?

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