climate change

The next financial crisis?

The next financial crisis?

The next financial crisis? Published in the Geelong Advertiser, 28 September 2011, p. 22 as 'Reconciling price, real vlaue is just trouble.' Roy Hay This column does not offer financial advice. Nor is it very good at predicting the future. Trained as an economic...

Global waffle

Geelong Advertiser, Saturday 11 November 2006, p. 35. Do you ever wonder about the contradictory notions which surround the current debates and practices on global warming, drought and the death of our rivers? We need a one-handed environmentalist, just like we need a...

Climate change policy in an era of uncertainty

Published as 'Pollution is nothing new', Geelong Advertiser, Wednesday 6 August 2008, p. 00. The debate on climate change policy is becomingly increasingly strident and certainly baffling to many Australians who seem to be well disposed to the idea that we ought to do...

Economics of climate change, part one

Published as 'Reality check', Geelong Advertiser, Friday 11 July 2008, p. 21. The 500-page Garnaut report on what Australia should do about climate change is not your average bedtime reading, but we will all have to come to terms with its arguments, sooner rather than...